Here's What Our Players Say

I first took up badminton in high school sports where my biggest achievement was being able to connect my racket to the shuttle, whether they made it over the net of course was a different conversation entirely. Despite the clear skill deficit, I was hooked on the sport! Playing casually with my friends when I could, by University I was brave enough to try my biggest, toughest challenge – my local beginner’s league. Fast forward 10 years later and here we are!
I’ve had experience with both group and personal badminton coaching. A lot of beginners group coaching, although affordable, hauled a huge time commitment requiring me to sign up for 10-20 weeks with upfront payment. Personal training provided more flexibility but was shackled to a heavier price tag. Eventually I came by The Badminton Hub through recommendation of a friend and found exactly what I was looking for – group pricing with no long-term up-front commitment, perfect to balance with work that swung unpredictable hours.
I went in without expectations (although a general fear of fitness training was a great personal deterrent, one I’m still battling to this day).
I love that I can go at my own pace – there’s no immense pressure to keep up with everyone else in the class in terms of strength and fitness, no singling out, no punishment, just a few quiet adjustments here and there to allow you to push and improve your own limits.
I’ve never been one to push through fitness and training purely for the sake of it, I’ve always needed an element of fun thrown in there too which I find here, helping me retain that last morsel of fitness my body possesses.
The Badminton Hub is a great starting point for people looking into badminton coaching for the first time, particularly adults. It’s great for people like me who love badminton and want fitness but are struggling to find time for either, and it’s great for anyone looking for that friendly, supportive environment, with a healthy dash of muscle soreness.
Hi I’m Matthew, I’m from Melbourne and I train as a member of The Badminton Hub. I started playing badminton intensely in February 2021 and I remember wanting to focus on training correctly and improving my fundamentals of badminton. At the time I wasn’t physically fit and I chose The Badminton Hub because of their training regime.
I chose The Badminton Hub from the get go because a lot of my peers recommended their training style, it’s also fun to train in a group because you forget about the training part of the process when you’re with a community like The Badminton Hub.
The thing I like most about training at badminton hub compared to other clubs is their style, they’re dedicated to improving you physically, mentally and they do it in an attentive and supportive manner. Since then I have become physically fit enough to do most of the shots I’ve only dreamed of doing back when I was a beginner. Shots like the side to side jump smashing feeling so light that you can move effortlessly through the court is something I wouldn’t have thought I could achieve without the training the badminton hub provided.
My biggest hurdle was trying something new and to be honest, new things generally scare people. I did not know what to expect but fortunately, I had a friend that joined, and it encouraged me to join too.
What I really like about badminton coaching sessions is how we focus on different aspects of the game each session and have enough time to understand and try the techniques. Our coach always gives us one on one feedback when we are doing the drills. And I also like how it gets revisited after a few weeks, so we get to practice more!
I would say my consistency and fitness are the best results since I joined The Badminton Hub. I rally more and able to retrieve many shuttles during the game. My fitness is much better now which contributes to my consistency. It’s an exciting phase where I am right now. I am adequate in the basic shots so the next step will be to make better decisions on my shot making.
Anyone who wants to improve on any aspects of their game regardless of their level. The classes are fun and entertaining compared to other places I’ve trained at. The people here are friendly and positive. If you are passionate about the game of badminton, come join and have a blast.
I’ve been playing badminton socially for about 4 years and simply love playing badminton with my friends and family.
I am mainly self taught and have unfortunately developed some bad habits which has lead to various strains and injuries. I joined the badminton hub to turn my bad habits into good habits with solid fundamentals.
Since joining the badminton hub, my game has vastly improved in terms of my footwork, technique though I still have a long way to go. With the help of coaches Craig & Grant I now can get to where I want to be faster with solid foundations to ensure my bad habits are gone. The team is very supportive and always offer amazing feedback.
My games have since become a lot more intense with longer rallies, better smashes, better drops and essentially have become so much more fun!
I would recommend this to anyone who is interested in learning more about their technique and how to improve it. Thank you badminton hub and I will continue to support the team and get slammed by the Circle of Death ‘COD’ exercise routines each week. 😉
In the time period prior having been coached by The Badminton Hub I was a below average player and felt like I could not progress my skills. I had hit a wall with other coaches and there were so many other players I could not beat and that’s where my frustration began. I hesitated to join in The Badminton Hub because I thought the drills would be painfully boring compared to playing games.
What I enjoy about the program is that I am always challenged and every session is always something different. It really helps that the group I’m training with is full of positive energy. We’re consistently encouraging each other to be the better versions of ourselves.
They have taught me basic footwork, advanced tactics and everything in between. I have become an advanced player now and I couldn’t do it without the help of the professional coaches.
The best I’ve achievements is to win several regional tournaments and seeing my own improvements develop over time.
I would recommend The Badminton Hub to anyone and everyone, they are great for all badminton skill levels and everyone is friendly and encouraging.
I love to play badminton with my friends and work colleagues and attend social badminton. As I progressed and faced stronger opponents, I felt that my level needed to rise to compete against the smarter, faster and deadlier players.
I joined The Badminton Hub to help me develop better faster and efficient footwork, better form/technique, strength and conditioning. I love the structured classes which has a clear focus for the lesson learning the footwork, practice/sparing and shuttle feeding.
Thanks to The Badminton Hub I have seen improvements in my overall game and I would recommended anyone who wants to learn from all levels, novice, intermediate or advanced. The coaches will help you improve whatever your goals are for your badminton journey.
My biggest frustration prior to joining The Badminton Hub was not having and not applying the correct technique and skills to my game. There are times when I’ve nearly injured myself by not using the correct technique and sills and that could and dangerous.
I was excited to join the badminton hub and ready to take on all the challenges on board. What I love most about the program and process is the structure of the training itself. You have the HIIT workout, then you have the specific technique and skill you work on for the duration of the night. This is a great way to activate and get everyone involved not matter what skills level you have – it’s the favourite thing about the program for me.
My best result so far since joining is now that I am able to play exceedingly well, more than I imagine. Now I can compete at a higher level and this is a great result. I don’t feel inadequate anymore.
I would recommend The Badminton Hub to anymore and everyone, whether you’re a novice or new to the game or have loads of experience, then you are welcome and it’s inevitable that you will improve your game.